Introducing …… The Giver of Dreams!

Did you know that there is a spiritual being who goes by the name of “The Giver of Dreams”?

No, well let me introduce you.

The Giver of Dreams has existed in the spiritual realm since before the world began. If you look back to Ancient Hebraic scriptures you will find references to The Giver of Dreams there as far back as the times of the Pharaohs in Egypt and the Babylonian and Persian Empires.

The Giver of Dreams sent dreams from the spiritual realm to warn of coming disasters for nations and downfalls for individuals.

The Giver of Dreams is not just confined to ancient history – they want to communicate with you and me today. Sometimes when we are awake we are simply too busy to hear any messages coming from the spiritual realm, so the Giver of Dreams will send messages to us while we are asleep. These messages offer us guidance, hope and direction for living life in the 21st century.

If you would like to start receiving dreams from the Giver of Dreams it is very simple – just ask The Giver of Dreams to help you remember any dreams that are from them.

If you need help in understanding the messages from The Giver of Dreams, why not check out my website?